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EU support

Active Integration Today ? Success Tomorrow

Resources of the Support ??the program of the European Refugee Fund 2007
Management of the project –?Refugees Reception Center (further RRC)
Duration of the project –?01 01 2008 ? 31 12 2008

The objectives of the project:

  • to improve the conditions and the quality of the primary integration for the foreigners granted asylum in the Center;
  • to inform the foreigners granted asylum about the providing services during the social integration (including the information about the protection of the children?s rights);
  • to stimulate the collaboration of the society and the foreigners granted asylum, the collaboration of the institutions implementing the social integration;
  • to inform the society about the foreigners granted asylum.

Prospective direct target group of the project:

  • Any citizens of the third country or the people without citizenship, granted the status, described in the Geneva Convention of July 28, 1951 Relating To The Status Of Refugee and its protocol of 1967, and are allowed to live in the Republic of Lithuania as the refugees.
  • Any citizens of the third country or the people using the other form of the international protection in the Republic of Lithuania according to the national legislation.

The achieved results of the project:

  • The physical infrastructure of the Refugees Reception Center was renewed. 5 rooms were equipped:?the room for the vocational orientation, the room of the Lithuanian language, the computer room, the employment room for the children, the library.
  • There were organized 15 sessions of the psychological vocational consulting (in the room for the vocational orientation in the Center).?The aim of the sessions ? to prepare the foreigners granted asylum for the vocational activity. The topics of the sessions ? the motivation of the work and the study, the work in teams, the communicational skills, the self-confidence and etc. (the total number of the participants ? 30 foreigners granted asylum).
  • The auto-trainings and the sessions of the relaxation in the relaxation room (the duration ? 288 hours).?The sessions were proceeded in the relaxation room (the renewal financed by the former project). The employee ? the consultant did the sessions (the total number of the participants ? 25 foreigners granted asylum).
  • There was organized the employment of the children of the foreigners granted asylum in the RRC.?The employment of the children allowed the adult foreigners granted asylum to attend the??sessions (the total number of the participants ? 15 foreigners granted asylum).
  • There were organized the employment and the informing of the foreigners living in the RRC ??there was organized the activity in the library, the foreigners were consulted in the searching for the literature, participated in the educational activity, were able to use the services of the internet library (the total number of the participants ? 30 foreigners granted asylum).
  • There was planned the vocational career for the foreigners granted asylum.?The personal plan of the career was made for the each foreigner who got the consulting. There were organized 4 trips of the vocational and social knowledge and the meetings with the representatives from the institutions of the labor market of Lithuania (the total number of the participants ? 25 foreigners granted asylum).
  • The stimulation of the computer literacy, the knowing the state language and the independence of the foreigners granted asylum?during the project.?There were created 4 work places for the foreigners granted asylum. There were organized the courses of the Lithuanian language according to the computer programs for 25 foreigners granted asylum. The foreigners prepared 4 newspapers about the life in the Refugees Reception Center and the perspectives of the integration.
  • There was prepared and published the information set for the foreigners granted asylum (in one set 10 different information books). The total number of the sets ? 200. Each book was published in three languages.
  • The preparation and the publishing of the book for the foreigners granted asylum ?The System Of The Protection Of The Child Rights In Lithuania?.?The prepared and published book is intended for the foreigners, who arrived to Lithuania with the children and was distributed in the Center and the municipalities. The information in the book was presented in three languages. The total number of the copies is 500.
  • There were organized 2 conferences for the foreigners granted asylum and the representatives of the society (the total number of the participants ? 50). 60 stimulating means were presented to the participants.
  • There was?organized?the festival for the commemoration of the International Refugee Day (June 20). The total number of the participants ? 120.
  • There was made and prepared the social research??The Image Of The Foreigners Granted Asylum From The Point Of View Of The Society Of Lithuania?.
  • The internet website of the Refugees Reception Center was renewed and adapted for the needs of the target group and the employees of the field of the integration.?There were created 9 user names, extra functions in the website (discussions, intranet, direct delivering of the news), the content of the website was extended ? all the news, the events were fixed, there were organized the discussions? forums.
  • There was created the educational film for the society about the topicalities of the social integration of the foreigners granted asylum.?The opening of the film was performed??during the festival of the International Refugees Day. The film was broadcast via the regional televisions of Jonava and Kaunas.
  • The information about the project was spread: 4 articles were published in the newspapers. There were issued and distributed 500 leaflets in three languages. There were made 250 pens and 250 notebooks with the information about the project.