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Project ?Knowledge, work ? future?

Resources of the support ??the perennial program of the European Refugee Fund in Lithuania 2008-2013 and the annual program of the European Refugee Fund in Lithuania
Management of the project –?Refugees Reception Center (further RRC)
Duration of the project –?01 01 2009 ? 31 12 2011

The objectives of the project:

  • to solve the basic problems of the integration into the labor market of the foreigners granted asylum;
  • to use the missing active integration means;
  • to inform the society about the target group;
  • to strengthen the communication between the participants of the labor market, especially with the employers.

In 2010 the activities were improved according to the results, the conclusions and the presented references of the project of 2009

Prospective direct target group of the project:

  • Any citizens of the third country or the people without citizenship, granted the status, described in the Geneva Convention of July 28, 1951 Relating To The Status Of Refugee and its protocol of 1967, and are allowed to live in the Republic of Lithuania as the refugees.
  • Any citizens of the third country or the people using the other form of the international protection in the Republic of Lithuania according to the national legislation.

The prospective results of the project:

  • the sessions of the relaxation for the foreigners granted asylum;
  • the employment of the preschool?– aged children of the foreigners granted asylum in the RRC.?The employment of the children will allow the adult foreigners granted asylum to attend the sessions;
  • the consulting of the foreigners granted asylum in the library;
  • the planning of the vocational career and the consulting of the foreigners granted asylum;
  • the stimulation of the computer skills, the courses of the state language;the testing of the foreigners granted asylum, seeking to clear the situation in the labor market of the foreigners granted asylum;
  • the research of the view of the employers on the participation of the foreigners granted asylum in the labor market, the demand of the competence of the employees;
  • the seminar to the employers, the representatives of the municipalities about the foreigners granted asylum and their situation in the labor market;
  • the training??n the integration into the labor market for the foreigners granted asylum: the introductory training: the creation and the evaluation of the module of the training on the social skills and the rising of the motivation (the content in the Lithuanian language, translations into Russian and English language), the session on the labor right, the training for the willing to start their business: the creation and the evaluation of the module of the enterprise (the content in the Lithuanian language, translations into Russian and English language), the training of the Lithuanian language (extra courses);
  • the support for the integration into the labor market for the foreigners granted asylum, the training for the foreigners granted asylum in the labor place and/or employment for the trial period;?
  • extra consulting for the foreigners granted asylum on the integration into the labor market;
  • the inspection in the work places of the foreigners granted asylum;
  • the preparation of the publications on the demand of the creation of the business for the foreigners granted asylum (two versions ? Lithuanian-Russian; Lithuanian-English);
  • the preparation, the creation and the broadcasting of the video-clips for the formation of the viewpoint of the society;
  • the meeting of the foreigners granted asylum and the representatives of the society;
  • the commemoration of the International Refugee Day (June 20). The event is for he society and the foreigners granted asylum;
  • the final conference of the project;
  • the permanent renewal of the information, related to the project in the internet site of the RRC, the administration of the content.